About the Foundation
The Governor’s Mansion Foundation, an all-volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan organization, honors the historical and cultural significance of the Washington State Governor’s Mansion by maintaining and enhancing the furnishings, art and library collection in the public rooms of the Mansion, educating the public about the Mansion and its history, and advocating on its behalf. The Governor’s Mansion Foundation is independent of the Governor’s Office and the Governor.
GMF Founder, Former First Lady Dies
It is with heavy hearts GMF mourns the passing of our Founder and former First Lady, Nancy Bell Evans. Wife of Governor Daniel Evans.
Her vision and passion for preserving our historic Governor’s Mansion will always be a source of inspiration as we endeavor to continue the work she began over fifty years ago. The Mansion and its place in Washington State History will be forever linked with her remarkable legacy of public service. For more information please visit this link:

From Our President
Our all-volunteer Foundation works proudly to enhance and maintain our collection of furnishings and art in the public rooms of the Washington State Governor’s Mansion. Our nonprofit, non-partisan, non-political organization has been in existence since 1972, having been founded by former Washington State First Lady, Nancy Evans.
We welcome you to have a tour of our beautiful Governor’s Mansion by contacting the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) through their website to request a tour: https://apps.des.wa.gov/mansion/mansion.aspx. We also welcome your support! You can become a Friend of the Mansion and learn more by clicking on this link https://wagovmansion.org/how-to-become-or-renew-as-a-friend-or-renew-as-a-trustee/.
Thank you for your interest in the Washington State Governor’s Mansion Foundation.
Best Regards,
Lorraine M. Hamilton
President 2022-2024