Our all-volunteer Foundation works proudly to enhance and maintain our collection of furnishings and art in the public rooms of the Washington State Governor’s Mansion. Our nonprofit, non-partisan, non-political organization has been in existence since 1972, having been founded by former Washington State First Lady, Nancy Evans.
We welcome you to have a tour of our beautiful Governor’s Mansion by contacting the Department of Enterprise Services (DES), phone: 360-902-8880. We also welcome your support! You can become a Friend of the Mansion and learn more by clicking on this link https://wagovmansion.org/how-to-become-or-renew-as-a-friend-or-renew-as-a-trustee/.
Thank you for your interest in the Washington State Governor’s Mansion Foundation.
Best Regards,
Lorraine M. Hamilton
President 2022-2024
Volunteering is so rewarding. Here is how:
The Annual Meeting Committee plans and makes arrangements for the Foundation’s annual meeting in June, as outlined in the GMF Policies and Procedures. If the meeting is held at the Mansion, the committee coordinates all details with the Mansion’s Administrator. Time commitment varies. The busiest months are April to June.
The Annual Social Committee plans a yearly event, which is usually a Holiday Tea held in the Mansion each December. The committee is responsible for all aspects of the event, such as the date, invitations, RSVPs, menu, music, name tags, docents to conduct tours, and recruiting members to help with the retail table. A new committee Chair is appointed annually in June. Time commitment varies.
Area Chairs oversee fundraising, nominations of new Trustees, and any other GMF business that pertains to the members who live in their geographical areas. Time commitment varies.
The Art Committee is responsible for curating the GMF art collection, which features works by artists of Washington State and the Pacific Northwest. It also hosts art-related events. A strong background in Northwest art history is helpful. Time commitment varies depending on scheduled events.
The Chamber Concerts Committee arranges for professional musicians to perform at the Governor’s Mansion four times a year, between October and May. It selects and hires the musicians and coordinates all aspects of the event with the Mansion Administrator. Committee members should have a solid appreciation of music, respect for the musicians we hire, organizational skills, and a willingness to coordinate as a team. Depending on one’s job with the committee, the time commitment varies from five hours to 15 hours per month. Busy months are September through May. Quiet months are June through August when no concerts are held.
The Community Relations & Marketing Committee works towards continued public awareness of the history and importance of the Washington State Governor’s Mansion. Committee members should enjoy speaking with individuals and groups, be knowledgeable about GMF’s tours and events, and be able to participate in outreach events. Having web or broadcast experience is also helpful. Time commitment is about 10 hours per quarter.
The Endowment Committee reviews grant requests from GMF committees and votes on whether to recommend them to the Executive Board for approval. Grants are dispersed from the GMF endowment fund. GMF bylaws specify that members of the Endowment Committee are the Treasurer and the Interior Design Committee Chair, and can also include other GMF members at large. Endowment Committee members should have knowledge and experience regarding art, furnishings or design. They also need to have an understanding of our money, i.e., budget, donations, endowment fund and non-profit status. The committee meets whenever a grant request is submitted by a committee Chair, and, at least once a year—usually in January.
The Furnishings and Acceptance Committees are two separate areas of responsibility.
The Furnishings Committee oversees the maintenance, cleaning, and/or repair of furnishings owned by the GMF. This committee also inventories the collection annually and works closely with the Interior Design Committee and the Art Committee.
The Gift Acceptance Committee, guided by the GMF Collections Policy, decides if art or furnishings offered to the GMF will be accepted or declined for use in the Mansion’s public rooms.
The History/Archival Committee collects and archives materials that relate to the GMF’s history and events. It works in coordination with the WA State Archives. Committee members should have an interest in keeping the history of GMF viable and accessible. Experience with scrapbooking or computer scanning ability is also helpful. Time commitment varies according to what work parties are scheduled.
The Interior Design Committee is responsible for both the arrangement of furnishings in the public rooms of the Governor’s Mansion and the maintenance of textiles (upholstery, draperies, area rugs, etc.) in the GMF collection. The committee also is in charge of decorating the Ballroom Christmas tree annually, in late November or early December, which takes about 8-12 hours. Knowledge of design and space planning is helpful. Hours vary according to what projects the committee is working on; the busiest time is usually October through mid-December.
The Library Committee is the “caretaker” of the 1,327 volumes currently in the Foundation’s collection. The library is owned by the Foundation and is non-lending. The committee coordinates additions and deaccessions to the collection, monitors the collection of volumes, and arranges for restoration as appropriate. It works with the other GMF committees to assure the quality of the collection and appearance of the library. Time commitment varies.
The Membership Committee keeps all membership records up to date, sends annual dues notices, and produces an annual digital membership directory. Its Membership Resources Team (MRT) welcomes new members, supplies them with important GMF documents and information, and assists them in finding a committee placement. Basic computer email skills, or experience with Microsoft Office including Access, Microsoft Excel and Publisher is helpful. Time commitment varies. The spring membership mailing takes the most time.
The Newsletter editor writes, coordinates, and disseminates news about past, current, and future activities of the GMF. Members must be able to write in a newspaper style. Computer skills, especially with Constant Contact, are helpful. The Newsletter is produced 4-5 times a year.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for choosing the slate of officers each year and overseeing the nominations of new Trustees at the June meeting. Committee members should have knowledge of the GMF, preferably by having served on a committee. Computer skills, dedication, respect, and leadership ability are also helpful. Time commitment varies according to when nominating meetings are scheduled.
The Retail Sales Committee is responsible for researching, ordering, inventorying, and selling GMF’s retail items. It manages the retail sales table during tour days and special events (such as the Annual Social) at the Mansion. Committee members assist with the set up and take down of the retail sales table, keep an inventory tally during tours and events, and transact sales with cash, check or credit card (via Smartphone device). Time commitment generally runs 12:30 – 3PM on Wednesday tour days, September through July. December is the busiest month.
The Tour Program gives tours of the Mansion’s nine public rooms on most Wednesdays and at other times if requested by the Governor, Mansion Administrator or Visitor Services. Committee members should have a passion for history and be comfortable speaking in public. The time commitment is approximately 10 to 20 hours per month, with December being the busiest month.
My heartfelt gratitude to you for supporting the Governor’s Mansion Foundation.