Dining Room Murals – “Captain Gray’s ship Columbia, San Juan blockhouse, Lewis & Clark explorers, Spokane Falls, Colville Crossing, Columbia River, Ft. Walla Walla, pool and falls, harbor, ship and dock, and big trees”, painted on fabric by artist Edwin Chapman
Ball Room – Jacob Lawrence, “Artist (Jacob Lawrence) in Studio”, lithograph on paper; Jacob Lawrence, “Tools”, 1977, lithograph on paper; Andy Wilbur-Peterson, American Skokomish Tribal Member and Squaxin Descendant, “Circle of Life and Power of
Change”; original panel artwork designed and created by Coast Salish artists Andy and Ruth Wilbur-Peterson; Leo Adams, “Reservation Viewpoint”, 2022, acrylic on canvas; and Paul Horiuchi (American 1920-2010), “Prelude to Winter”, mixed media collage on canvas.
For reservations, please visit the Department of Enterprise Services website at Tours | Department of Enterprise Services (DES) (wa.gov) to complete an online Mansion Tour request form. Reservations MUST be made at least 24-hours in advance. However, tours fill up fast so the earlier you make your reservation, the better. For questions or additional information, please contact the State Capitol Tour Office at 360.902.8880 or email at tours@des.wa.gov (please put in subject line Gov. Mansion Tours).
The tours are hosted by the Governor’s Mansion Foundation docents. The circa-1908 Mansion is the oldest building on Olympia’s Capitol Campus. Adult tour guests must present photo identification and all visitors under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
No umbrellas, strollers, or food/drink will be allowed on the tour. Masks are not required. The Mansion is accessible to wheelchairs and walkers. Visitors must walk a 200-yard incline up to the entrance. Campus parking near the Governor’s Mansion is limited please see Capitol Campus Interactive Map | Department of Enterprise Services (wa.gov) .
The Governor’s Mansion Foundation is an all-volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan organization and is not associated with the Governor or the Governor’s office. To learn more on becoming a “Friend of the Mansion”, or for more information on GMF, visit www.wagovmansion.org.